Know how a bee works as a good pollinator in pumpkin crops

Know how a bee works as a good pollinator in pumpkin crops
  • Cucurbit crops are planted in large quantities as summer crops.
  • Due to change in weather and temperature, after flowering in cucurbits crops, there is a lot of problem during the development of fruits.
  • Honeybees play a very important role in natural  pollination in cucurbits.
  • In the cucurbit crop, through honeybees, pollination is done up to 80%.
  • A large number of hairs are found in the body of honeybees, which pick up pollen particles. After this, they collect pollen and transport it to the female flowers.
  • Honeybees do not cause any harm to the crops.
  • The action of fertilization is completed after the above mentioned action. After this, the process, conversion starts from flower to fruit in the plant.

How to identify downy mildew in pumpkin crop?

The major symptoms of downy mildew in pumpkin crop are as follows-

  • Water-soaked lesions are formed on the lower surface of the leaves.
  • Lesions appear first on the older leaves and then progress on the younger leaves.
  • As the lesions expand, they may remain yellow or become dry and brown.
  • Affected vines do not bear fruit properly. 