Precautions to be taken while storing Kharif Onion

Precautions to be taken while storing Kharif Onion
  • Onion is in demand throughout the year. Hence, storage of onion tubers is essential for the supply of the whole year. In our country, 30-40 percent of onions get rotten due to inadequate storage facilities and unseasonal rains.

  • Most of the farmers store Rabi onions only because Rabi onions have better storage capacity as compared to Kharif and late Kharif onions.

  • The plants should be dried in the field till the leaves turn yellow and the neck becomes thin, then dried in shade with adequate ventilation. Drying in the shade protects the tubers from the harsh rays of the sun, improves the colour and dries the outer surface. 

  • Sometimes the tuber gets wound with a spade or shovel. While sorting the tubers, separate the stained tubers. Later, by causing rot from these bad tubers, other tubers also start rotting.

  • For good storage of onions, 50 kg jute/sackcloth/plastic mesh bags or plastic/wooden baskets should be used.

  • Onion after packing should be kept in the storage room up to 5 feet in height so that it is easy to remove.

  • The temperature of the warehouses for good storage is 30-35˚C and the relative humidity should be 65-70%.

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