Precautions to be taken while preparing vermicompost

Precautions to be taken while preparing vermicompost
  • Before leaving earthworms in Vermi beds, partial decomposition of raw materials (cow dung and essential waste), which can take upto 15 to 20 days, is very necessary.
  • Maintain 30 to 40 percent moisture in composted waste beds until it is ready. Earthworms do not work properly when there is less or too much moisture in the waste.
  • Never use fresh cow dung in a vermicompost  bed. Earthworms die due to excessive heat in fresh dung, so let fresh dung cool for 4 to 5 days before use.
  • Do not use any kind of pesticides while making earthworm manure.
  • Earthworms work faster when the pH is neutral  (around 7.0), to keep the pH neutral of the waste during vermicomposting, you must add ash to it.