Symptoms and management of powdery mildew and downy mildew

Powdery mildew and downy mildew symptoms and management
  • Powdery and Downy mildew is a fungal disease that highly affects the leaves of chilli crops. This disease is also known as Bhabhutiya disease.
  • In Powdery mildew, white powder appears on the upper surface of the leaves of chilli plant.
  • In Downy mildew yellow spots appear on the lower surface of the leaves, after some time these spots become large, angular, and turn into a brown powder.
  • This brown powder deposits as a layer on the leaves making the process of  photosynthesis difficult.
  • Spray AZOXYSTROBIN 11% + TEBUCNAZOLE 18.3% SC @ 300 ml / acre or AZOXYSTROBIN 23% SC @ 200 ml / acre or TEBUCONAZOLE 10% + SULPHUR(S) 65% WG @ 500 gram / acre .
  • As a biological treatment. TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 500 gram / acre or PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS @ 250 gram / acre