Potash deficiency and excess causes and diagnosis

Potash deficiency and excess causes and diagnosis
  • Reason for the deficiency of potassium:  Due to more alkaline soil, no or less use of organic manure and continuous intensive crop rotation, the deficiency of potash has started showing in the soil. Due to the deficiency of potash, the plant becomes more sensitive to environmental stress and seed and fruit size are not developed properly.

  • Excess of potassium: Due to excessive use of MOP and other potash fertilizers, there is an excess of potash in the soil. Due to its excess, the shape of the leaves becomes distorted.

  • Functions of Potash: Potash is an essential nutrient for crops, Potash plays a very important role in transporting synthesized sugars in plants to the fruits. Potash promotes the efficiency of natural nitrogen. Potash is essential for the manufacture of lycopene  for the red color of tomatoes. Potash increases the weight of the fruits.

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