How to reduce the use of chemical pesticides in crops

Pheromone Trap – In pheromone trap, artificial rubber lure (septa) is applied to attract male adult insects of different species. It contains chemicals to attract males of the same species. The attracted male Insect dies after getting trapped in a plastic bag attached to the trap. The use of pheromone traps is the only method of non-chemical elimination of caterpillars.

Organic insecticides – organic insecticides are  based on a variety of natural substances, which control various types of microorganisms, insects and caterpillars. Some of these include, neem, acacia, cilantro, datura seeds and leaves, Eucalyptus, lantana, tobacco, and indian beech leaves.

Bird Perch – Birds are very important in agriculture, each bird eats 40 to 50 caterpillars in an hour. Put 8 to 10 T shaped pegs in the fields . Which is 1.5 to 2 feet high from the crop.

Trap crop – Trap crop emits a special smell which attracts insects to that crop. For example, a suwa has such an odor that it attracts leaf-eating caterpillars and moths, due to which the insects come on the suwa and the main crop is saved, for this, put 12 lines of main crop and 2 lines of suwa.

Ladybird Beetle – This is a beneficial insect. It is also called farmer and friend of crop. An adult ladybug can consume hundreds of aphids a day and thousands in its lifetime.

Sticky trap – To report pest infestation, install yellow sticky trap and blue sticky trap @ 8 -10 per acre in the field. This will indicate the pest outbreak, on the basis of which insecticides can be adopted to save the crop from Sucking pests (Aphids, Thrips, Jassids,  White fly) infestation.

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Why is a pheromone trap necessary in a cotton crop?

Cotton is the major cash crop of India. It is also called white gold. In India, the yield of cotton is very low due to many pests and diseases. Cotton also suffers a lot from various types of moths. The infestation of worms is more when the cotton plants are 50 to 65 days old. Pheromone traps are the only way to prevent them, while other treatments exist for other diseases and pests.

By using pheromone traps, the production of cotton per hectare can be increased by controlling the caterpillars.

What is a Pheromone Trap –

In pheromone traps, artificial rubber septa are used to attract male adult insects of different species. It contains chemicals to attract males of the same species. The attracted male kites die after getting trapped in a plastic bag attached to the trap. The use of pheromone traps is the only method of non-chemical elimination of caterpillars.

 Precautions related to pheromone trap –

  • The lure (septa) used in the trap must be changed after 15 days.

  • Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap before and after changing the lure.

  • Inspect all the installed traps every morning and destroy the trapped insect only after inspecting them. And spray the recommended insecticide.

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Management of Gram Pod Borer in Soybean

  • For control of adult pests, use pheromone trap @ 3-4/acre.
  • First spray Profenofos 50% EC @ 300 ml/acre + Chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 500 ml/acre.
  • Second Spray Profenofos 40%EC + Cypermethrin 4 %EC @ 400 ml/acre + Emamatin benzoate 5% SG @ 80-100 gm/acre Or .
  • Third spray Profenofos  300 ml/acre + Flonicamid 50% WG @ 100 gm/acre
  • Fourth spray Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC @ 100 ml/acre or Thiodicarb 75% WP @ 250 gm/acre
  • Spray the Beauveria bassiana @ 1 liter or kg/acre as a biological treatment

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How to protect Brinjal from Fruit Borer

  • The damage to the fruits starts soon after transplanting and continues till harvesting of the fruits.
  • It can reduce yield by as much as 70%.
  • Multiple overlapping generations occur in warm climates.
  • The short pinkish larva of the pest initially bore into the terminal shoots resulting in withering and drying of the shoot.
  • In the later stage, it bores into the young fruits by making holes and feeds inside and lose their market value fruits plugged with excreta.


  • Install pheromone trap @ 5 /acre .
  • Continuous cropping of brinjal on the same piece of land should be avoided.
  • Fruits showing boring should be picked and destroyed.
  • Spray the crop with Cypermethrin 10% EC @ 300ml/acre or Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% EC @ 200-250 ml/acre at fortnight intervals starting from 35 days after transplanting to control the pest.
  • Best results are obtained when all the affected fruits are removed before spraying.

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Kasie bachaein baigan ko fruit borer se

  • The damage to the fruits starts soon after transplanting and continues till harvesting of the fruits.
  • It can reduce yield by as much as 70%.
  • Multiple overlapping generations occur in warm climates.
  • The short pinkish larva of the pest initially bore into the terminal shoots resulting in withering and drying of the shoot.
  • In the later stage, it bores into the young fruits by making holes and feeds inside and lose their market value fruits plugged with excreta.


  • Install pheromone trap @ 5 /acre .
  • Continuous cropping of brinjal on the same piece of land should be avoided.
  • Fruits showing boring should be picked and destroyed.
  • Spray the crop with Cypermethrin 10% EC @ 300ml/acre or Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% EC @ 200-250 ml/acre at fortnight intervals starting from 35 days after transplanting to control the pest.
  • Best results are obtained when all the affected fruits are removed before spraying.

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Control of fall armyworm in Maize


  • Fall armyworm generally feeds on foliage, but during heavy infestations, larvae will also feed on corn ears. 
  • Foliar damage to corn is usually characterized by ragged feeding and moist sawdust-like frass near the whorl and upper leaves of the plant.
  • They will frequently be near the tip but may feed down the ear creating a track of damaged kernels.


  • Set up of light traps.
  • Set up sex pheromone traps at 5 /Acre.
  • Apply any one of the following on presence of pest.
  • Emamectin benzoate 5% SG @ 100 Gm per acre.
  • Fipronil 5% SC @ 400 ml per acre.
  • Cloropyriphas 50% EC @ 400 ml per acre.

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