Problem and control measures of Painted bug in mustard crop

Symptoms – Both nymphs and adults of this insect suck the sap from the leaves in the initial stage, due to which white spots are formed on the leaves and gradually wither and dry up. When the crop is in ripening stage, this insect gathers on the pods and sucks the sap from the pods and the adults of this insect secrete a sticky substance which spoils the pod.

Control measures

To control this pest, According to Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Spray Rogor (Dimethoate 30 EC) @ 250 ml or Tusk (Malathion 50.00% EC) @ 400 ml + SilicoMaxx Gold  @ 50 ml + Novamaxx @ 180 – 200 ml per acre, @ 150 to 200 liters of water.

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