Know why it is necessary to puddle the field in the transplanted paddy

Paddy is generally cultivated in deep water. The process of puddling is very important before the transplanting of paddy plants. It is a kind of wet ploughing of the field. For this, after the last ploughing of the field, the soil is thoroughly puddled with the help of indigenous plough cultivators after filling the field with water. This softens the soil and makes transplanting easier. Through the process of puddling, the plants get the necessary nutrients easily. At the same time, the Fertilizer capacity of the soil increases.

Importance of puddling in paddy cultivation

  • It is an important part of land preparation.

  • There is a permanent improvement in the quality of the soil by the process of puddling in the soil.

  • This helps in conserving rain water and irrigation water can be used efficiently.

  • Puddling reduces soil erosion. This helps in the establishment of the plants. Soil puddling brings accuracy in paddy transplanting.

  • By this process, the fertilizer capacity of the soil increases and the plants get an equal amount of irrigation water.

  • Weeds are controlled.

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