What and When spraying in cotton ?

The cotton crop of all the farmers has become almost 35-45 days, and all the farmers are preparing for the first spray after rains. Gramophone advises you to spray in cotton as follows.

  1. After sowing 20-30 days of first spray :- Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100-120 ml + 19:19:19 @ 1 kg or Vipul @ 250 ml + carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP @ 400 gm per acre. With the help of this spray we can protect crop from sucking pest and initial fungus infection. This spray also provide essential nutrition in intial growing stage.
  2. Second spray 40-45 days after sowing :- Monocrotophos 36% SL or Acephate 50% + Imidacloprid 1.8% SP with Profenofos 40% EC+ Cypermethrin 5% EC with Dhanzyme Gold @ 250ml or Vipul booster @ 300 ml per acre. With the help of this spray, we can control caterpillars and eggs with nutrition.

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