If you want tremendous yield, then in the present condition of wheat, do nutrition management!

Nutrient Management in Wheat Crop

Wheat crop is in the 25 to 35 days stage, For good plant growth and prevention of root Aphids, Urea @ 40 kg + Zinc Sulphate @ 5 kg + Cosavat (Sulphur 90 WG) @ 5 kg + Thianova 25 (Thiamethoxam 25% WG) @ 20 gm, mix all these together and apply it evenly for the one-acre area.

Urea: Urea is the biggest source of nitrogen supply in the crop. With its use, there is no problem with yellowing and drying in the leaves. Urea accelerates the process of photosynthesis.

Zinc sulphate: Zinc helps in the formation of carbohydrates, proteins and chlorophyll in plants. Which is responsible for metabolic reactions. This increases the production as well as the quality of the crop. Apart from zinc, it also provides the availability of sulphur to the crops.

Cosawet: In alkaline soils, it helps to lower soil pH. Helps in improving the absorption of nutrients like N, P, K and micronutrients.

Thianova 25: It provides protection against Aphids for a longer period of time as compared to other insecticides. It destroys the insect by going into the stomach of the insect.

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Nutrient Management in Wheat Crop

Nutrient Management in Wheat Crop
  • Wheat is one of the main crops of the Rabi season. Proper fertilizer management in wheat gives a good start to the wheat crop. Along with this, the roots are well-formed and the buds bloom well.

  • The following products should be used for proper management at this time-

  • At the time of sowing wheat, use DAP 50 kg + urea 20 kg + potash at the rate of 25 kg per acre. Urea is a source of nitrogen, DAP nitrogen and phosphorus and MOP fulfills the required potash.

  • Essential Nutrients P 15%+ K 15%+Mn 15%+Zn 2.5%+S 12% [Majorsol] 3 kg + Seaweed, Amino Acids, Humic Acids and Mycorrhiza [Maxxmyco] 2 kg/acre + NPK of bacteria consortia  [TB 3]  3 kg /acre + ZnSB [Taba G]  4 kg/acre should be used. It helps in proper growth and development of the crop.

  • After 20 days of sowing or with first irrigation, apply Urea 40 kg + Sulfur 5 kg + Zinc Sulphate 5 kg + Micronutrient mixture [Majorsol ] 3 kg per acre (if the sowing time is not given) to the soil.

  • For foliar spray management, spray gibberellic acid at the rate of 300 ml or amino acid 250 gm per acre.

  • If the vegetative growth is not proper, then water-soluble fertilizer should be sprayed at 19:19:19 or 20:20:20 @ 1 kg per acre.

  • In this way, the production can be increased by doing nutritional management at the time of sowing and the early vegetative stage of the wheat crop.

With the sowing of the crop, connect your farm with the My Farm section of Gramophone app and keep on getting the exact advice and solutions related to smart agriculture throughout the crop cycle. Share this article with your friends with the share button below.
