Nutrient management and control measure of root aphid in wheat crops!

Nutrient management and control measure of root aphid in wheat crops

Nutrient management: In wheat crop at 20-25 days old stage, for good plant growth, Urea 40 kg + Zinc Sulphate @ 5 kg + Cosavet  (Sulphur 90% WG) @ 5 kg + Majorsol (Phosphorus 15% +Potassium 15% +Manganese 15% +Zinc 2.5% +Sulphur 12%) @ 5 kg, all mixed together and broadcast evenly in the one-acre area and do light irrigation after broadcast.

Symptoms of root aphid damage: This pest is found more from the month of November to February. These are transparent insects which are yellowish brown in colour with very small and soft bodies. They are present near the base of the plants or on the roots of the plants and suck the sap of the plants. Due to the sucking of sap, the leaves turn yellow or mature prematurely and the plant dies.

Control measures: To control this pest, apply with Fertilizer, sand or soil, Thianova 25 (Thiamethoxam 25 % WG) @ 100 gm per acre, before irrigation and Spray Media (Imidacloprid 17.80% SL) @ 60 to 70 ml + Silicomaxx  Gold @ 50 ml + Maxxroot (Humic Acid + Potassium + Fulvic Acid) @ 100 gm @ 150 to 200 per acre litres of water.

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