NovaMaxx is a great tonic for crops, accelerates the overall growth of plants

NovaMaxx is a great tonic for crops

It is a biologically produced plant growth assistant tonic. By using it, the crop will show some kind of benefits like plants will remain healthy and vigorous, and grain/fruit formation and maturity rate will increase. The activity of microorganisms in the soil will also increase. The problem of flowers and fruits dropping will be reduced. Apart from this, more photosynthesis and improvement in the metabolic process of plants are seen and it also reduces plants stress and overcomes the plant from nutritional and growth deficiencies.

In Paddy, Sugarcane, Cotton, Groundnut, Banana, Tomato, Potato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Grapes, Brinjal, Okra, Tea, Mulberry, NovaMaxx should be used as spraying at the rate of 180 to 200 ml per acre.

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