Symptoms and prevention measures of mosaic virus in Cucurbit crops

The spread of Mosaic Virus in Cucurbit crops is through aphids and mechanical devices. The symptoms of which can be seen as a distorted mixed spots of dark green and yellow color on the leaves. This causes the leaves to become thin and wrinkled. And reducing the size of the leaves, shrinking of the leaves and turning of the edges are the main symptoms of this disease.

preventive measures

  • For biological treatment, spray Brigade B @ 1 kg + silicomaxx  @ 50 ml per acre, @ 150 to 200 liters of water.

  • To control Aphid, take a spray of Admire @ 14 gm + Silicomaxx  @ 50 ml per acre @ 150 to 200 Ltr of water.

After 2 days, take a spray of privintal BV @ 100 gm/acre @ 150 to 200 ltr of water.

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