Cultivation of these 4 crops will make good income in monsoon

Good profits can be earned by cultivating fruits and vegetables during the rainy season. Through this article, we will tell you about 4 such crops, by cultivating at a low cost you can earn a bumper.


Rainy time is considered very good for the cultivation of water chestnut, as it is cultivated in water. For this, water chestnut seeds are usually sown in small ponds and ponds. However, if there is no pond or puddle, rain water can be filled in the fields by making pits in them. Plants are then planted in these pits. The crop is ready for sale after 6 months from transplanting.

Lotus cucumber

The stem of the lotus plant is called lotus cucumber. Many types of nutrients are found in it, which are very beneficial for health. It is also cultivated in ponds. On the other hand, if we talk about its production, 50 to 60 quintals of lotus cucumber is easily obtained in one acre.


Mushrooms grow rapidly during the rainy season. Farmers can earn good income by cultivating it. They are also in great demand in the markets. Although many of its species are poisonous, so choose the right species with thorough investigation. On the other hand, mushroom cultivation can also be done in a small room, just keep in mind that sunlight comes in that room.


Rainy season is considered good for pomegranate crop. Fruits are ready on pomegranate plant in 120 to 130 days. In such a situation, good profits can be obtained by planting pomegranate plantation in monsoon.

Source: Tractor Junction

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