Method of seed treatment in green gram crop

Method of seed treatment in moong crop

Seed treatment in moong crops can easily control seed-borne and soil-borne diseases and also increase the germination of the crop. Seed treatment is usually done in 3 ways, which we call the ‘FIR’ method.

Fungicide: The first fungicide used in seed treatment. It is used for the prevention of fungal diseases in the ground or at the time of seed germination.

For seed treatment with fungicide, use Carmanova (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63 % WP) @ 2.5 gm per kg of seed.

Insecticide: It should be used after fungicide. Seed treatment with insecticide helps in the prevention of insects found inside the ground or sucking insects like aphids or white flies which are found in the initial stage of the crop.

For seed treatment with insecticide, use Thianova Super (Thiamethoxam 30% FS) @ 4-5 ml per kg of seed.

Rhizobium: It should be used after insecticide. Rhizobium It is a bacterium, which lives as a symbiotic in the roots of moong plants, and forms nodules in the roots of plants, due to which atmospheric nitrogen is easily available in the soil, which can be used by the plant at any stage.

For seed treatment with Rhizobium, use Jaiv Vatika (Rhizobium) @ 5 grams per kg of seed.

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