Measures to reduce storage loss of onion

Measures to reduce storage loss of onion

In onion production, India ranks second in the world. In such a situation, if our farmers store onions in the right and modern way, then a large part of the total production of onions can be saved from spoilage, as well as the income of the farmers will also increase.

Following are the measures to reduce the loss during storage

  • Select only varieties of onions that are storable.

  • Use manure and fertilizer in balanced quantities, do not use more nitrogen.

  • Keep the irrigation system proper, stop the irrigation 10-15 days before digging.

  • Dig the crop at the full maturity stage only.

  • Perform drying and curing procedures properly.

  • Cut off the neck leaving 2.5 cm above the tuber. 

  • If available, treat them with gamma rays.

  • Sorting and grading. 

  • Do not throw the bulbs from a height on the hard ground.

  • Protect stored onions from direct sunlight and rain.

  • Do not allow moist air to enter the onions stored during the rainy season.

  • Keep inspecting the warehouse from time to time, if any damage is seen, then immediately arrange for sorting.

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