Measures to prevent fungal diseases in wheat crops

Measures to prevent fungal diseases in wheat crops

At this stage in the wheat crop, there is a problem of fungal diseases like rust, which are of 3 types –

Brown Rust / Leaf Rust: Its one of the three major types of rust infections in wheat. Leaf rust attacks only the foliage. The fruiting bodies of the fungus are reddish-orange to reddish-brown on the surface of the leaves, covering almost the entire upper leaf surface. These rusts are smaller, circular or slightly elliptical as compared to stem rust and the fruiting bodies are not joined together.

Stripe rust / yellow rust: It appears early in the season because it prefers cool, moist weather. Yellow rust usually causes streaks on the leaves with yellow to orange-yellow fungal fruiting bodies, which also affect the leaf sheaths, necks, and ear sheaths.

Stem rust / black rust: The spots of stem rust are more elongated than those of yellow and brown rust. On both sides of the leaves, on the stems and spikes, there are spreading bodies of dark reddish brown mould. Which are usually separate and scattered rough. It is also called black rust. Because its spores turn black later.

Control measures: To control all these types of rust, apply Zerox (Propiconazole 25% EC) @ 200 gm or Godiwa Super (Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Difenoconazole 11.4% SC) @ 200 ml @ 150 to 200 litres of water per acre.

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