Measures for the prevention of white grub in cotton

Measures for the prevention of white grub in cotton

These insects, which live in the soil during the day, are more active during the night. The larvae of this pest damage the plants by feeding on the roots. Due to the damage to the roots, the plants do not get the proper amount of nutrients. Due to this the plants start drying up and get destroyed after some time.


  • If this insect is seen, then irrigate in sufficient quantity, so that the insect comes out of the soil when there is moisture in the field.

  • Do deep ploughing immediately after harvesting, due to which the insects hiding inside the ground are destroyed by the heat of the sun and the outbreak of pests and diseases on the crops is reduced. At the same time, the ability of the fields to hold rainwater also increases, which protects the crops from drought.

  • To control this pest, use Fury (Carbofuran 3% CG) at the rate of 4 kg/Acre.

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