Measures for identification and control of dieback disease in lemon

Measures for identification and control of dieback disease in lemon
  • Among the fruits grown in India, citrus species have a prominent place, Malta, kinnow, sweet orange, Mandarin, lemon, lime etc. come under citrus fruits. Dieback disease is one of the major diseases in these fruit trees, it is also known as wither tip. This disease causes great damage to the lemon crop.

  • Symptoms- The main symptoms of this disease are yellowing of leaves, drying of branches from top to bottom, stunted plant growth, flowers and fruits being reduced, and finally, the plant dries up completely. The roots of the plants appear black in colour.

  • Management – Cut the diseased branches and coat them with a Bordeaux mixture or copper fungicide.

  • Spray micronutrients in the months of February and April.

  • Make a solution of 100 grams of urea fertilizer per 10 litres of water and spray it to increase the energy of plants.

  • Spray Pseudomonas fluorescens [Monas kerb] @ 50gm/tank.

  • Spray with Copper oxychloride 50% WP [Blue copper] @ 3 gm or Mancozeb 75 % WP [M45] @ 2 gm per liter of water.

  • Re-spray the fungicide if necessary at 15 to 20 days intervals.

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