Measures for crop growth in 15-20 days of sowing in pea crop

Measures for crop growth in 15-20 days of sowing in pea crop
  • Pea is a pulse crop, thus not requiring much nitrogenous fertilizer.
  • In pea crop, micronutrients are very important in 15-20 days of sowing and it is also very important to protect the crop from fungal diseases and insects. 
  • For Protection of pea crop from all these diseases use Micronutrient @ 8 kg /acre + sulphur 90%@ 5 kg/acre+ zinc sulphate@ 5 kg /acre 
  • For Protection of pea crop from insects use Acetamiprid 20 % SP@ 100 gram/acre or Profenofos 50 % Ec@500 ml/acre 
  • For Protection of pea crop from fungal disease use Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63%@ 300 gram/acre or Hexaconazole 5% SC@ 400 ml/acre 
  • As a biological treatment use Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre.