Management Of Whitefly In Cotton

Management Of Whitefly In Cotton
  • Eradicate weeds growing on field bunds, wastelands, roadside and irrigation channels/canals to avoid further spread of whitefly to cotton fields.

  • White fly attacks also occur in vegetables like brinjal, cucumber, tomato, okra etc, so do not grow these crops in cotton. Regular surveillance on these alternate host crops from February onwards and on cotton, moong from April onwards should be carried out for timely management of whitefly on these crops.

  • Avoid excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizer because it increases the attack of sucking insects.

  • Make sure to install 40  yellow sticky traps per acre in the cotton fields, which helps in controlling the whitefly infestation.

  • Give one to two sprays of Novaceta (Acetamiprid 20% SP) @ 40 gm per acre or Novafen (Pyriproxyfen 5% + Diafenthiuron 25% SE) @ 400-500 ml per acre.

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