Management of maggots in Onion crop

Management of maggots in Onion crop
  • Insects lay their eggs in a moist place in the soil, as the temperature of the soil increases, maggots come out of the eggs.

  • At this stage, a lot of damage is done to the crop, germinated seeds or new plants are more susceptible, maggots enter inside the seed and destroy it, or damage the new plants, due to which the plant starts wilting and eventually dies after drying.

  • Maggots are yellow to white in colour and worm-like.

  • Light traps should be used for their management.

  • For chemical control, Cartap Hydrochloride 75% SG @ 7.5 kg or Phorate 10% CG @ 5 kg per acre applied to soil.

  • Do drenching at the rate of Chlorpyrifos 20 EC @ 1 liter or Fenpropathrin 10% EC @ 400 ml/acre..

  • For biological control, use Beauveria bassiana 2 kg per acre.

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