Identification and control of leaf folder pests in paddy crops

Leaf folder :- The female of this insect lays eggs in groups near the veins of the leaves of paddy. The larvae come out from these eggs in 6-8 days. These larvae first eat soft leaves and later, by making silky thread with their saliva, twist the leaf from the edges and eat it by scraping it inside. The outbreak of this pest is more in the month of August-September. Paddy leaves appear white and scorched in the affected field.

control measures

For its control, Spray Super 505 (Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC) @ 280 ml or Lamonova (Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.90% CS) @ 100 ml + Silicomaxx @ 50 ml per acre @ 150 -200 liters of water.

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