Management of leaf-eating caterpillar in soybean

leaf-eating caterpillar in soybean
  • In soybean crops, there is a huge infestation of leaf-eating caterpillars that harm the crops’ leaves.
  • These caterpillars greatly affect the soybean crops
  • New hatched larvae tend to attack the leaves in herds.
  • They scrap the green part off the leaves and then spread on the entire plant.
  • The leaves of the entire plant are damaged because of the infestation only veins  are left of the leaves eaten by the caterpillars.
  • It is very important to control these caterpillars on time.
  • To control them, do deep plowing in the empty field during summer time as biological treatment.
  • Sow at the appropriate time at the beginning of monsoon.
  • Spray BEAUVERIA BASSIANA @ 500gram / acre

Chemical Management: 

  •  Spray PROFENOFOS 40 % + CYPERMETHRIN 4% EC @ 400 ml / acre or EMAMECTIN BENZOATE 5% SG @ 100 gram / acre
  • FLUBENDIAMIDE  20% WG @ 100 gram / acre or CHLORANTRANILIPROLE 18.5 % SC @ 60 ml / acre