How to prepare the field for sowing Soybean Crop

How to prepare the field for sowing Soybean Crop
  • Preparation of the field should start with a deep plowing, after that, 2-3 plowing harrows or with the help of a soil turning plow, soak the soil so that the water holding capacity of the soil is increased and seed germination can also be done well.
  • In May and June, the sunlight falls directly on the ground and the temperature is high, due to destroyed weeds, their seeds, harmful pests, and their eggs, pupa as well as the spores of the fungi present in the soil on deep plowing. 
  • At the time of final plowing, mix 7 kg Soya Samriddhi kit issued by Gramophone in 4 tons FYM and level the field by running a pot.
  • There should be moisture in the soil while using this kit.