Government preparing to double the use of machines in agricultural operations

Government preparing to double the use of machines in agricultural operations

The government is taking several steps to improve Indian agriculture. Now in this series, the government is preparing to increase the use of machines in agriculture to modernize Indian traditional agriculture. Union Agriculture Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar said on the subject that “In view of the development of the agricultural sector, the target is to double the mechanization per hectare in the country in 10 years. The government’s thrust is to provide expensive and large advanced agricultural equipment to the farmers’ fields. Is on. “

Shri Narendra Singh Tomar has urged the members of the association to provide small utility machines to small acreage farmers so that these 86 percent farmers can be made easy and advanced and their income can also increase. Mr. Tomar said this at the annual general meeting of the Tractor and Mechanization Association.

Source: Krishak Jagat


Four districts of MP will get Rs 3 crore for Kadaknath poultry farming scheme

Kadaknath poultry farming scheme

A large amount of Rs 3 crore has been sanctioned by the Central Government for four districts of Madhya Pradesh under the Kadaknath Poultry Farming Scheme. These four districts include Jhabua, Alirajpur, Barwani and Dhar.

This huge amount of Rs 3 crore will be given to 300 members of 20 committees of these districts. Every beneficiary of this scheme will be given 100 days free vaccination, 100 chickens, medicine, granule, granule-water utensils and training. For the upbringing, a shed will also be constructed by the government at the residence of the beneficiaries.

Source: Krishak Jagran


Sugarcane farmers will get 3500 crore from the government

Sugarcane farmers will get 3500 crore from the government

There are often complaints between sugarcane farmers and sugar mill owners regarding payment. Sugar mill owners delay the payment too much and sometimes waiting for payment becomes too long.

To solve these problems, it has been decided to provide relief to sugarcane farmers from the government. The government has announced a subsidy of 3500 crores on sugar exports. This assistance amount will be deposited directly into the farmers’ accounts as payment of dues on behalf of sugar mills.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


1600 crore to be sent to farmers’ accounts on December 18

1600 crore to be sent to farmers' accounts on December 18

Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan has announced that on December 18, Rs 1600 crore will be given to the farmers of the state. He said that this amount of 1600 crore rupees is money for the loss of crops like soybean, which occurred this year.

Let us know that Rs 1600 crore is a part of the total relief amount. The Chief Minister has told the farmers that they will give one installment now and later they will also give another installment. By then the amount of crop insurance schemes will also come.

Source: Navbharat Times


Now Kisan Credit Card will be available from mobile app


To make the benefit of the Kisan Credit Card accessible to all farmers, the government has now linked it with the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. However, even after this step, the process of getting the Kisan Credit Card was difficult due to which the farmers were not able to apply in the scheme. Now to overcome this problem, the government has launched UPPM Kisan KCC Mobile App.

With the help of this app, farmers can now sit at home and apply for Kisan Credit Card online. This will help them a lot and there is no need to go anywhere.

Source: Jagran


Government is preparing to ban these 6 pesticides

Government is preparing to ban these 6 pesticides

6 pesticides will be banned from 31 December 2020. It is being told that the use of these pesticides is dangerous for people and animals.

These are six insecticides

– Alaclor

– Dichlorvos

– Phorate

– Phosphamidon

– Triazophos

– Trichlorfon

Earlier the government banned 12 pesticides from 8 August 2020.

These are 12 pesticides

– Benomyl

– Carbaryl

– Diazinon

– Fenarimol

– Linuron

– Methoxy Ethyl Mercury Chloride

– Methyl Parathion

– Sodium Cyanide

– Thiometon

– Tridemorph

– Trifluralin

Source: Krishi Jagran


Good news: Government will open farmer canteens in Madhya Pradesh

Government will open farmer canteens in Madhya Pradesh

The Shivraj Chauhan government of Madhya Pradesh is preparing to build a farmer canteen on the lines of the army canteen specially designed for the army. It is reported that these farmer canteens are proposed to be opened in the A class mandis of the state. This information has been given by Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Minister Kamal Patel.

Agriculture Minister Kamal Patel said that ‘mandis with all facilities are being built. The farmer sells his produce in the mandis and takes an empty trolley and goes to the mandi. But now all the good quality items from fertilizer, seeds, household goods, petrol will be available in the mandis itself. The farmer will not have to wander from here to shop. Shopping malls will be built in the mandis.

Source: Zee News


7th installment of PM Kisan on December 1, find out whether your name is in the list or not

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana

The seventh installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana will reach the account of about 11.35 crore farmers after a few hours. This installment of 2000 rupees under this scheme will be the third installment of this financial year which will start coming from December 1. If you too are waiting for the 7th installment, then definitely check your name in the list.

To see the list through an online medium:

  • You have to go to the website ? and go to the ‘Farmer’s Corner’ in the menu bar.
  • Click on the ‘Beneficiary List’ link here and then enter your state, district, sub-district, block and village details.
  • After doing all this, click on the Get Report button. After doing this, you will get a complete list where you can search your name.

  • If there is no name in the list, you can complain to the helpline number 011-24300606.

Source: Live Hindustan



28 food processing units to be opened, more than 10 thousand people will get employment

more than 10 thousand people will get employment

Union Agriculture Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar has approved the creation of 28 food processing units, which will create new employment opportunities. These units will be installed in some 10 states of the country, which will provide employment to more than 10 thousand people.

These states include Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Assam and Manipur. A cost of Rs 320.33 crore has been set by the Minister for this scheme.

The main objective of the scheme is to build processing and preservation capabilities and to modernize / expand existing food processing units, which will increase the level of processing, add value and reduce grain wastage.

Source: News 18


After wheat, now MP can create a record in the purchase of paddy

After wheat now MP can create a record in the purchase of paddy

You would know that in the matter of procurement of wheat on support price, Madhya Pradesh had overtook Punjab for the first time and achieved the first position. Now it is expected that Madhya Pradesh may break its old record even in the purchase of paddy.

Significantly, last year, Madhya Pradesh had the highest procurement of 25.86 lakh tonnes of paddy. At the same time, it is estimated that 40 lakh tonnes of paddy will be purchased. Explain that in the last few years, many major changes have been made for the agriculture sector in the state. Due to steps like making an agriculture cabinet in the state, the agriculture sector has improved a lot. Now the results of these reforms are also coming out.

Source: Nai Dunia
