Know what is the reason for the yellowing of the wheat crop

Know what is the reason for the yellowing of the wheat crop
  • The yellowing of wheat crops occurs due to 3-4 reasons.

  • In the initial stage, there is yellowness in the lower leaves of wheat, it is due to the deficiency of Nitrogen.

  • One is a fungal disease, which is a soil and seed-borne disease, which sometimes rots the roots of plants due to excessive water logging or due to stagnation of water for a long time, which causes the plant to turn yellow.

  • At present, root aphids, termites and stem borer insects are being seen in most of the crops, this is also the main reason for yellowness in wheat crops.

Root aphid: Root Aphid pests are found more from the month of November to February. These are transparent insects which are yellowish brown in colour with very small and soft bodies. They are present near the base of the plants or on the roots of the plants and suck the sap of the plants. Due to the sucking of sap, the leaves turn yellow or mature prematurely and the plant dies.

Termite: A termite is a white-coloured insect, which lives by forming a colony. Termite infestation occurs immediately after sowing till maturity. These insects feed on the roots, stems and even the cellulose of dead plant tissues. Due to this the damaged plant turns yellow and dries up completely. White spikes emerge from damaged plants during flowering.

Stem borer: The pink larva of the stem borer penetrates the stem and causes dead heart symptoms.

Control measures

Urea: It is the biggest source of nitrogen supply in the crop. By its use, there is no problem with the yellowing and drying of leaves. Urea accelerates the process of photosynthesis. Must use @ 40 kg urea per acre.

Fungal diseases: To control, apply Combat @ 2 kg + Monas Curb @ 500 gm per acre, evenly broadcast with light irrigation.

Termite: To control this Insect, you can give Dhanvan 20 (Chlorpyriphos 20% EC) @ 1400 ml per acre with irrigation water.

Pink stem borer: To control this pest, Spray Celquin (Quinalphos 25% EC) @ 320 ml per acre @ 200 litres of water.

Root aphid: To control this pest, apply Thianova 25 (Thiamethoxam 25 % WG) @ 100 gm (finely) + Bave Curb @ 500 gm mixed with Urea per acre and apply light irrigation.


If you have done irrigation, then spray Media (Imidacloprid 17.80% SL) @ 60 to 70 ml + Silicomaxx Gold @ 50 ml + Novamaxx @ 300 ml per acre, 150 to 200 litres of water.

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