Know the works of Sarpanch and get your village developed

Know the works of Sarpanch and get your village developed

For the smooth running of the country, arrangements have been made in the constitution at the national level. However, for the development of the country, the development of every village in the country is very important. In such a situation, the arrangement of Gram Panchayat has been made for the upliftment of the village.

According to this system, there is a Gram Panchayat in every village, whose work is handled by the village head. The village head is also known as the village headman and sarpanch. For this post, a qualified person from the same village is selected by the villagers. Who develops the village at every level as a headman for 5 years.

Along with this, the village head is also the first citizen of the village. Being the first citizen of the village, all the responsibilities of the village are on his shoulders. From maintaining peace in the village to development works, the Sarpanch has to take care of everything. At the same time, the works to be done by the village head for the progress of the village are as follows.

  • Implementation of government schemes in the interest of the village

  • Supervise the public distribution system

  • Running schemes like MNREGA smoothly

  • Maintenance of roads in the village

  • Promotion of primary education

  • Running Anganwadi centre smoothly

  • Build a playground and promote sports

  • Keeping the village clean under the cleanliness campaign

  • Implementation of government schemes in the interest of farmers

  • Provision of irrigation

  • Promotion of animal husbandry

  • Cremation and cemetery maintenance

  • Maintaining peace in the village

  • Settlement of disputes

  • Ensuring participation of villagers in Gram Sabha meetings

  • Ensuring participation of backward classes and women

After seeing such a long list of responsibilities towards the village, you must be thinking about the salary of the Sarpanch. So let us tell you that according to the rules of the state government, the salary of the sarpanch is fixed. That is, the salary of a Sarpanch is different in every state. For example, in Uttar Pradesh, the Sarpanch gets Rs 3500 per month and in Haryana, the Sarpanch gets Rs 3000 per month. However, for the implementation of the schemes, lakhs of rupees are given to the chief by the government. Which he uses for the development of the village.

Source: The Rural India

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