Know the utility of Wheat Ferti Kit

Know the utility of Wheat Ferti Kit

  • The special crop of rabi season Wheat, gramophone has brought ‘Wheat Ferti Kit’ for wheat which you can use even after sowing wheat.

  • This kit contains seaweed extract, amino acid, humic acid and mycorrhiza along with zinc sulphate and other essential nutrients like phosphorus, potash, magnum, zinc and sulfur etc.

  • The total weight of this kit is 9 kg.

  • This kit contains 3 products which are beneficial for proper growth of crop – Major Sol [P 15% + K 15% + Mn 15% + Zn 2.5% + S 12%], Micro Power Zinc Sulphate [Zinc Sulphate], Myxxmyco [seaweed, amino acid, humic acid and mycorrhiza] etc.

  • This kit also acts as a soil quality improver along with the growth and development of the crop.

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