Know the symptoms and identification of nutrient deficiency in onion crop

Know the symptoms and identification of nutrient deficiency in onion crop
  • In addition to the primary nutrients, micronutrients are also required in the onion crops. When there is no supply of these nutrients in the soil, it starts showing deficiency symptoms on the crop. The following are the symptoms of deficiency of some key nutrients –

  • Nitrogen- leaves are yellowish-green, small and curled from upwards, in the stage of bulb ripening, the tissue on the bulb remains soft.

  • Phosphorus- Leaves become light green, leaf tips appear burnt, crop matures late.

  • Potash- Leaves become dark green and straight, older leaves start turning yellow and spots appear on them.

  • Sulfur- The green colour of the leaves is lost and has a uniform yellow appearance.

  • Manganese- Leaves become lighter in colour and curled upwards. The tip of the leaves starts burning, stunted crop growth. Late bulb formation and become thick from the neck. 

  • Zinc- Leaves are pale yellow, white stripes are formed.

  • Iron- First symptoms appear on young leaves, the central veins of new leaves turn yellow.

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