Know the proper time for harvesting mustard and other important facts

Know the proper time for harvesting mustard and other important facts
  • The mustard crop is ready for harvesting in the month of February to March.

  • Farmers can get more yield by keeping the following things in mind at the time of harvesting mustard –

  • Harvest the crop when 75% of the mustard pods turn yellow.

  • It is very important to harvest at the right time. When harvesting is delayed, the pods start bursting.

  • Many times, due to delays in harvesting, the grain weight and oil content in the grains get reduced.

  • It is more beneficial to do the work of harvesting mustard in the morning. Due to the dew falling at night, the pods become moist.

  • After harvesting, keep the crop dry for a few days in the sun.

  • When the moisture in the seed is up to 15 to 20 %, then thresh the mustard seeds.

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