Know the benefits of protected farming

Know the benefits of protected farming
  • Protected farming is the latest farming system of the modern era, through which farmers can control the environment according to the demand of the crops and get maximum production in the least area by avoiding natural ravages and other problems by cultivating expensive crops. 

  • Protected farming structures are insect repellent net houses, greenhouses, plastic low-tunnels, plastic high-tunnels, plastic mulching and droplet irrigation techniques, etc.

  • The following are the advantages of adopting protected farming techniques:

  • Additional income can be earned by producing fruits, flowers and vegetables in the off-season through this technique.

  • Very good quality crops can be grown easily with this technology. Whose demand and price are both high in the market.

  • Crops get protection from natural calamities, such as temperature fluctuations, rain, hail, fog, sun, heat, etc., along with insects, wild animals, etc.

  • Very useful technology for low land holdings and small farmers. 

  • With the increasing population in the country, the demand for off-season vegetables is also increasing continuously in the market, this is one of the reasons why off-season vegetables are expensive, that the production in the market is less and the demand is more, at this time farmers can earn more profit by adopting this technique.

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