Know the benefits of mushroom cultivation

Medicinal Properties of Mushroom
  • The mushroom is a plant of the genus Fungi. Its fungal web is its fruit part which is called a mushroom. The following are the benefits of mushroom cultivation –

  • No fertilizer and manure are required to grow mushrooms.

  • Farmers, middle class and labour class people can strengthen their economic condition by cultivating it.

  • Mushroom cultivation is the best for those who do not have the lack or availability of land.

  • In cultivating mushrooms, the cost is less and the production is more.

  • In mushroom cultivation, the risk is negligible compared to other farming.

  • Mushrooms can be cultivated in any season under a controlled environment and temperature and humidity.

  • Mushrooms can also be grown in such a place where sunlight does not reach. 

  • Crop residues are used in mushroom cultivation which is easily available.

  • Mushrooms have useful and nutritious substances and are rich in many proteins.

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