Irrigation in Bitter gourd

  • Bitter Gourd cannot tolerate drought or water stagnation.
  • Water the crop immediately after sowing or planting, on the third day and then once a week depending upon the soil moisture.
  • Maintain good soil moisture in the upper 50 cm of soil where the majority of roots are located.

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Irrigation management on garlic


  • First irrigation is given just after planting.


  • Repeat irrigation 3 days after for ensuring germination.
  • Irrigate as per need. 
  • Thereafter irrigate ones in a week during the vegetative phase and 10-15 days during bulb development
  • Avoid irrigation during bulb maturity. Irrigate 2-3 days before harvest to facilitate easy uprooting.


Irrigation in Tomato

  • The crop should be irrigated at 8-12 days interval.
  • In summer, more frequent irrigation at 5-6 days interval is required.
  • Generally, open furrow method of irrigation is followed.
  • Water stress at flowering stage will adversely affect fruiting and productivity.

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Drip irrigation a Boon

Drip irrigation a Boon-

Availability of water for the successful production of a good crop is an important factor. Due to the ever-increasing population and climate change, the quantity of water available in the ground is decreasing, due to which the production of crops is constantly decreasing. Drip irrigation was invented to solve this problem which has proved to be a boon for farmers. In this method, water is transported directly from the sources of plastic pipes to the roots of plants.

Advantages of Drip Irrigation –

  • Saves 60-70% of water compared to other irrigation systems.
  • Drip irrigation helps plants to provide nutrients with greater efficiency.
  • Drip irrigation can prevent losses of water (due to evaporation and leakage).
  • Water in drip irrigation is given directly in the crop roots. Due to which the surrounding soil becomes dry, weeds cannot be grown.

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