Measures to protect animals from internal parasites

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  • To be safe from parasites, by maintaining cleanliness and hygiene, by providing clean fungus-free fodder and clean water, by providing supplementary nutrition and mineral substances, by providing regular and timely de-worming and timely medical support. Through these, we can effectively solve the problem of parasites in animals.
  • For the protection of internal parasites in animals, they should be given the medicine of stomach worms once every three months. Also, dung or feces should be checked regularly.
  • As soon as internal worms are confirmed in the investigation, appropriate deworming is claimed by the veterinarian. Deworming claims must be given before vaccination in animals. In no case should pregnant animals be given deworming without the advice of a veterinarian?
  • Use anthelmintic drugs, especially Oxyclozanide (1 gram per 100 kg animal weight). Keep in mind that the medicine should be fed in the morning in a hungry or empty stomach. This medicine can also be used during animal pregnancy without any adverse effects.
  • As far as possible, animals should be given medicine only after consulting the veterinarian.