Improved varieties of potato and method of preparation of the field

Improved varieties of potato and method of preparation of the field
  • Solanum Tuberosum: This is a commonly cultivated species of potato, its plants are short with thick stems and leaves that are large and relatively long.

  • Kufri Jyoti, Kufri Muthu, Kufri Swarna, Kufri Malar, Kufri Soga, Kufri Anand, Kufri Miracle, Kufri Alankar, Chipsona and Kufri Giriraj are commonly cultivated.

  • Field preparation- A well-drained soil or seedbed is required for good tuberization of the potato crop. Potato is mainly grown as a Rabi crop. Immediately after harvesting the Kharif crop, plough the field once, 20-25 cm deep using soil turning plough. Thereafter, two to three times of cross harrowing or four to five ploughings with a cultivator are necessary to make the surface smooth and even. It is necessary to have sufficient moisture in the field at the time of sowing. 

  • Potatoes can be sown by the following methods, out of which the popular method is to prepare the ridge and furrow and sow it.

  • If the carbon content of the soil is low, four metric tons per acre of well-rotted manure should be used during land preparation, this amount should be given fifteen days before planting. Potato plants require a lot of nutrients.

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