Sowing of same type of cotton seeds is not in the interest of farmers – Department of Agriculture

Sowing of same type of cotton seeds is not in the interest of farmers - Department of Agriculture

Sowing of cotton has started in many areas of Madhya Pradesh. In such a situation, the demand for 659 of the same variety of BT Cotton is very high amongst the cotton farmers. On this demand for seeds of the same variety, the Deputy Director of Agriculture Department, Shri R.S. Gupta said that it is not in the interest of farmers.

Mr. R.S. Gupta appealed to the farmers and said, “Sometimes due to uncertainty of the weather, applying the same variety causes crop damage due to excess rainfall, no rainfall, growth of insect wounds, etc. and farmers have to suffer financial loss. So in addition to the 659 varieties of BT cotton available in the market, seeds of other varieties were also sown. ”

He further explained that in addition to cotton, crops like jowar, maize, moong, urad, pigeon pea, paddy, soybean, etc. should adopt a multi-cropping system to maintain biodiversity and benefit from the other crop if one crop is spoiled due to weather conditions and it help improve the environment. ”



Information of improved BT cotton varieties

  • Kaveri Jadoo: This variety is tolerant of drought and to sucking insects such as aphid, jassid, whitefly, and resistant to pink bollworm, American bollworm. The crop duration of this hybrid variety is 155-167 days, in which the bolls are medium and the plant is long, so it is also suitable for sowing in less distance.
  • Rasi RCH-659: This is a good hybrid variety for 145-160 days of medium duration and high production.
    In this variety, bolls are large numbers and suitable for heavy soil in irrigated areas.
  • Rasi Neo: It is a good variety for the moderately irrigated area and light to medium soil, as well as tolerant of sucking insects such as aphid, jassid, whitefly.
  • Rasi Magna: In this variety, bolls are big size and large numbers, which is good for growing in medium to heavy soil. Sucking insects are moderately tolerant.
  • Kaveri Money Maker: The harvest period is 155-167 days, in which bools are a big size which is well blooming and shiny.
  • Aditya Moksha: This variety is suitable for heavy soil in irrigated and rainfed areas, having a crop duration of 150-160 days.
  • Nuziveedu Bhakti: This variety is tolerant to sucking insects and tolerant to Pink bollworm, American bollworm. Its harvest period is about 140 days.
  • Super Cotton (Prabhat): This variety is suitable for medium irrigated and black heavy soils. Tolerant of sucking insects.
  • Nuziveedu Goldkot: The harvest period is 155-160 days, in which the bolls appear to be medium-sized.