Important agricultural work to be done in crops this week

Important agricultural work to be done in crops this week
  • This week is very important for both the harvesting of Rabi crops and the sowing of many new crops.

  • If 75% of the mustard pods turn golden in colour, then start harvesting.

  • When the moisture content of the gram is about 15 %, start the harvesting process.

  • When the wheat grains become hard after-ripening and the moisture content in the crop is less than 20 %, then harvesting should be done.

  • After 25 to 30 days after transplanting paddy, control weeds and apply urea.

  • The farmers who have only one to two irrigation facilities available can plan for summer moong or urad cultivation after harvesting the rabi crop.

  • To provide easy fodder to the animals during the summer season, maize, cowpea and some special varieties of sorghum can be sown at this time. On the other hand, you can sow cucurbits in vegetables and can prepare tomato, chilli, brinjal nurseries.

  • If leaf minor problem is observed in watermelon, muskmelon field, Spray Abamectin 1.9% EC [Abacin] @ 150 ml or Spinosad 45% SC [Tracer] @ 60 ml per acre.

  • If the farmers have harvested the Rabi crop, then do not burn the crop residues.

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