Importance of rhizobium culture in moong crop

Importance of rhizobium culture in moong crop

Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacterium. Which is especially found in the roots of pulse crops, specific species of bacteria live with specific plants, such as soybean, groundnut, gram, moong, urad, peas, etc. Rhizobium bacteria of different crops are also different. Rhizobium bacteria mainly fulfil nitrogen in crops by converting atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates, living as symbionts in all oilseeds and pulses crops. Rhizobium bacteria enter the roots of the crops after entering the soil and form small nodules. Bacteria live in large amounts in these nodules, these bacteria take natural nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into nutrients and make it available to plants. Excess nodules in the roots of the plant keep the plant healthy. In the process of stabilization of nitrogen by Rhizobium, another product is formed, it is hydrogen. Certain species of Rhizobium use this hydrogen in the process of nitrogen fixation.

Rhizobium bacteria can be used for crops in two ways, seed treatment and soil treatment.

Seed treatment: Treat the seeds by making a coating over the seeds by taking 5 grams of nitrogen-fixing bacteria/kg of seeds and using the treated seeds immediately for sowing.

Soil treatment: Mix 1 kg/acre of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria with decomposed cow dung manure or farm soil and broadcast it in an empty field before sowing.

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