Importance of Nitrogen for plants

Importance of Nitrogen for plants

Nitrogen is an important source of proteins. Nitrogen is an important part of chlorophyll which is essential for photosynthesis. Nitrogen increases the vegetative growth of the plant and provides dark green color. Nitrogen increases the initial growth of the plant.

Possibilities of nitrogen deficiency in the soil: –

  • Soils with low levels of organic carbon.

  • In light textured sandy soils that are highly eroded by rainfall or irrigation.

  • In an intensive farming system of cereal crops.

  • In waterlogged condition.

Symptoms of Nitrogen Deficiency in Plants:-

Appear on older leaves of the plant. The growth of nitrogen deficient plants is stunted, and the plants appear thin and small in size. In cereal crops, the tillers are reduced to a great extent. The leaves start turning yellow from the tip. These effects are first visible on old leaves, then later on young leaves also appear.

Management of Nitrogen: –

Get soil test done to ensure the availability of nitrogen in the soil.  On the basis of the test, apply recommended nitrogen at the time of sowing with the help of manure and organic fertilizers. Broadcast urea as per requirement in the standing crop.

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