If there is a loss in agriculture, then the government will pay for 3 years

If there is a loss in agriculture then the government will pay for 3 years

Due to the continuous use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, the soil health and the quality of the produce are deteriorating. Apart from this, excessive use of chemical fertilizers is also having a bad effect on the environment. In such a situation, the only solution to these problems is natural farming. By adopting this, the damage caused by chemical fertilizers can be avoided. Therefore the government is promoting natural farming or organic farming across the country. Along with this, the central and state governments are also running many schemes to encourage farmers.

However, despite the efforts of the government, farmers are hesitant to do natural farming. Farmers fear that adopting this method will reduce production and cause losses to them. Along with this, markets will also not be available to sell organic products. Haryana Government has come up with a scheme to eliminate these apprehensions of farmers. Under this, the farmers of the state are being counted on the benefits of natural farming. Not only this, if natural farming damages the yield of farmers, then it will be compensated by the government for 3 years.

Let us inform you that the Haryana government has given importance to natural farming in the budget of the financial year 2022-23. For this, the government has announced a budget provision of Rs 32 crore this time. With the help of which the farmers doing natural farming will be helped financially. On the other hand, if there is any kind of loss in the yield, then the government will compensate it for 3 years.

Source: Tractor Junction

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