Identification of Red Pumpkin Beetle in Bitter Gourd

  • The grubs feed on the roots and underground portion of host plants and fruits touching the soil.
  • The damaged roots and infested underground, a portion of stems start rotting due to secondary infection by saprophytic fungi, and the unripe fruits of such vines dry up.
  • Infested fruits become unfit for human consumption.
  • Adult beetles feed voraciously on leaf lamina making irregular holes.
  • They prefer young seedling and tender leaves and damage may even kill the seedlings.

Identification of leaf miner

  • Adults are small black and yellow flies.
  • Larvae exit from the leaf upon completion of their development and pupate in the soil or in the leaf axils on plants.
  • Females puncture the leaf to feed plant sap and lays eggs within the leaf tissue.
  • The damage restricts the plant growth, results in reduce bulb yield and loss of vigor.  
  • Tunnels or mines can be seen in the leaves.
