Identification and prevention of Alternaria leaf spot in Brinjal

Identification and prevention of Alternaria leaf spot in Brinjal

It is a serious disease of brinjal, due to which infection causes spots on the leaves. When the infection spreads more, the spots become irregularly shaped and merge and the affected leaves turn yellow and fall after some time. After the leaves, this disease gradually infects the fruits as well, causing the fruits to turn yellow and fall prematurely.

Control: To prevent the disease, crop residues, weeds, infested fruits etc. should be collected and burnt. If infestation is observed, spray M-45 (Mancozeb 75% WP) @ 400 gm/Acre or Blue Copper (Copper Oxychloride 50% WP) @ 300 gm/Acre mixed in 200 litres of water.

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