Identification and control of powdery mildew disease in okra crop

Identification and control of powdery mildew disease in okra crop

Powdery mildew disease symptoms are clearly visible on both the old leaves and stem of the plant. White-coloured powdery spots are formed on the leaves and stems of the affected plants. As the attack progresses, the leaves turn yellow and start falling off. The fruits of infested plants remain small in size, and the production is also very less due to this. The outbreak of the disease increases when there is more humidity in the environment.

Control: To control it, spray Bavistin (Carbendazim 50% WP) @ 200 grams per acre in 150 to 200 litres of water or Sulphur 80% WP @ 1.2 kg per acre in 300-400 litres of water.

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