How to use decomposer after harvesting of wheat

How to use decomposer after harvesting of wheat
  • After harvesting the wheat crop, residues remain in the field in large quantities.
  • Due to these residues in the next crop, outbreaks of fungal and bacterial diseases are caused epidemically.
  • It is very important to use decomposers in an empty field after harvesting wheat or after sowing of the crop, to prevent the infection of fungal and bacterial diseases in the new crops.
  • For this, if farmers want to use liquid form, then use decomposer at the rate of 1 liter/acre as spray.
  • Apart from this, Gramophone is providing decomposer to the farmers in the name of Speed ​​kompost, which should be used 4 kg/acre and  mixed with 10 kg of urea in 50-100 kg of  field soil and broadcast. 
  • When decomposer is being used, make sure that there is enough moisture in the field.