How to treat soil before sowing soybean

How to treat soil before sowing soybean
  • Soil treatment before sowing is very important in soybean crops. Soil treatment is done twice in soybean crops. First treatment is done before or after the first rain, second treatment is done before sowing.

  • For good germination of seeds, the soil must be Friable,After the harvesting of the last crop, one plowing should be done with a common plow and 2-3 plowing with the help of a harrow.

  • Biological control of white grub can be easily done by mixing 50 kg of cow dung with 1 kg/acre of Metarhizium culture.

  •  For pre-sowing soil treatment, the farmer can use the soybean samriddhi kit. This kit contains the following product which helps in supplementing the nutrients to the crop.

  • This Kit contains consortia of PK bacteria that supply potash and phosphorus, Trichoderma viride, It protects the crop from diseases such as root rot and stem rot. Humic acid, seaweed, amino acids and mycorrhiza. It accelerates the action of photosynthesis, and develops white roots. Rhizobium Soybean culture, this product contains nitrogenous bacteria which stay in the roots of soybean to fix atmospheric nitrogen and provide  the plants and help the plants to grow well.

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