How to prepare nursery for Cauliflower

How to prepare nursery for Cauliflower
  • Cauliflower are sown in the nursery before being transplanted in the main field.
  • When Cauliflower nursery is being prepared, the ease of weeding, irrigation should be kept in mind.
  • Before sowing, treat Cauliflower seeds with Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% @ 2.5gram/ kg seed or Carboxin 17.5%+ Thiram 17.5% @ 2.5 ml/kg seed.
  • Soil treatment of nursery is very necessary before nursery sowing treatment is done for prevention of soil borne diseases. For this use FIPRONIL 0.3% GR @ 25 gram/nursery and Trichoderma viride @ 25 gram / nursery and seaweed + amino + Mycorrhiza @ 25gram / nursery
  • Also keep in mind that at the time of sowing the soil must have sufficient moisture.