How to prepare for chilli Nursery

How to prepare for chilli Nursery
  • Chillies are normally prepared  in the nursery, because better results are obtained by preparing seedlings in the nursery.

  • Prior to plowing, clean the selected area for nursery first.

  • The selected area should be well drained, and free from water logging

  • There should be proper sunlight.

  • Nursery should have proper arrangement of water and irrigation so that irrigation can be done on time.

  • This area should be well protected from pets and wild animals.

  • Sandy loam and loam soil rich in organic matter are suitable.

  • For healthy transplanting, the soil should be free from pathogens.

  • After this, before preparation of the beds, cultivate the land twice with the plow, for seeds sowing make the raised beds (like 33 ft × 3 ft × 0.3 ft) as per the requirement.
