How to manage green gram crop in 25-30 days

How to manage green gram crop in 25-30 days
  • In 25-30 days of green gram crop, problems like pest infestation, fungal disease attacks, and stunted growth and development occur.
  • To overcome these problems, it is very important to do crop management in 25-30 days of green gram crop.
  • To control the pest infestation, spray of Bifenthrin  10% EC @ 300 ml/acre with chlorantraniliprole @ 18.5% SC @ 60 ml/acre
  • As a biological control, use Bavaria Basiana @ 250 g / acre.
  •  Spray  Thiophanate  Methyl 70% W / W @ 300 gram / acre for control of fungal diseases
  • Use as a biological control of fungal diseases by Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre
  • For good flowering and growth in green crops, use Homobrassinolide @ 100 ml /acre as spray.
  • Do spray this on the new moon day of April.