How to manage fertilizer in a cotton crop

How to manage fertilizer in a cotton crop

Most farmers do not use fertilizers at the time of sowing, they often think that if it is too hot now, it will not be appropriate to apply fertilizers, they will be given them when it rains, but this thinking is wrong. For the formation of roots, plant growth, formation of branches, it is essential to apply basal fertilizer at the initial stage, otherwise, there will be a huge reduction in production.

If available, well-decomposed cow dung manure/compost at the rate of 4 to 5 tonnes per acre must be given.

For good growth, and development of cotton, give (Urea-30 kg)(DAP-50 kg) (Muriate of Potash-30 kg) and TRI-COAT MAXX at the rate of 4 kg per acre at the time of last ploughing or field preparation.

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